29 - Féminismes
Sarah Lécossais
The depoliticized feminism of French TV shows
Le Temps des médias n° 29, Automne 2017, p. 141-158.>> Acheter cet article sur CAIRN
This article studies the representations of feminisms in French TV shows and highlights their ideological effects. On the one hand, these fictions reduce feminism to the share of domestic chores. On the other hand, they strike these struggles down. The feminist critiques are turned to invisibility and the feminist characters are ridiculous. These processes reveal a phenomenon of backlash. Moreover, flirting with the postfeminist hypothesis, these series pretend that feminist claims are out of fashion, not necessary, by spreading the ideology of family happiness. However, we hypothesize that these discourses eventually reveal the consensus between authors at one moment more than their intent to criticize feminism.