35 - Luttes sociales
Brice Demars
The Minitel in Images, the Image of the Minitel (1980-2000)
Le Temps des médias n° 35, Automne 2020, p. 170-182.>> Acheter cet article sur CAIRN
The Minitel was a revolutionary online service in the eighties, and was the first mainstream digital network. This period was its golden age. However, at this time the transmission of images was becoming an important stake of the ICT. Unfortunately, the French telematic didn’t improve its technology concerning the digital transmission of images. So, during the nineties, the Minitel lost its competition with the personal computer and the Internet.
To quote this article : http://www.histoiredesmedias.com/The-Minitel-in-Images-the-Image-of.html