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"Global Media Worlds and China"

Javnost - The Public

Vol. 20 - 2013, No. 4.

Hu Zhengrong, Ji Deqiang, "Retrospection, Prospection and the Pursuit of an Integrated Approach for China’€™s Communication and Journalism Studies"
Yuezhi Zhao, "China€’s Quest for "€œSoft Power"€ : Imperatives, Impediments and Irreconcilable Tensions ?"
Daya Kishan Thussu, "De-Americanising Media Studies and the Rise of ’€œChindia’"
Lena Rydholm, "China and the World’€™s First Freedom of Information Act : The Swedish Freedom of the Press Act of 1766"
Susan Brownell, "’€œBrand China’€ in the Olympic Context : Communications Challenges of China’’s Soft Power Initiative"
Göran Svensson, "€œ "China Going Out"€ or the "World Going In" € ? The Shanghai World Expo 2010 in the Swedish Media"

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