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Communication & Society

Vol. 32, n° 2, avril 2019.

Table of contents

1. Tiago Quiroga : Mediatization and epistemological otherness : a hermeneutic approach to the communication field of knowledge

2. Ana M. Pérez-Guerrero, Andrés Forero Serna : Entre la realidad y la fantasía : las estrategias narrativas del género de terror en el estudio Laika (2009-2015)

3. Jorge Gallardo-Camacho, Javier Sierra Sánchez, Eva Lavín : The time shifted viewing cycle of television programmes after their linear broadcast in Spain

4. Diana Gavilan, Susana Fernández-Lores, Gema Martinez-Navarro : The influence of Online Ratings on Film Choice : Decision Making and Perceived Risk

5. Carmen Gálvez : Evolution of Social Media Research Field through Science Maps (2008-2017)

6. María José Benítez de Gracia, Susana Herrera Damas : Analysis of the Level of Immersion of 360º Video Features Produced by Spanish Media

7. Pablo Alzola Cerero : "Strangers and pilgrims" : The migrant archetype in the cinema of Terrence Malick

8. Patricia Durántez-Stolle, Raquel Martínez-Sanz : Politainment in the transmedia construction of the image of politicians

9. Llüisa LLamero, Vicente Fenoll, David Domingo : Predictors of credibility of online media in the Spanish polarized media system

10. Belén Galletero : The disappearance of provincial printed press : analysis of the causes and consequences based on the case study of Castile-La Mancha

11. Salomé Sola, Carla Quiroz : Communicational campaigns for the prevention of drug consumption in Chile (2004-2014) : Between prohibitionism and stigmatization

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