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Communication & Society

Vol. 28, 4, October 2015.

Salomé Berrocal Gonzalo, Marta Redondo García , Luis Miguel Torres Chico : Economic crisis as spectacle in Spain : infotainment in quality press coverage of the 2012 financial sector rescue

María Isabel Míguez-González, José Fernández Cavia : Tourism and online communication : interactivity and social web in official destination websites

Virginia Guerrero García, Bella Palomo : The crisis of photojournalism : rethinking the profession in a participatory media ecosystem

Enric Saperas, Ángel Carrasco Campos : The operationalization of the concept of framing in the /Journal of Communication/ (2009-2013) : objects of study, research techniques and theoretical construction

Pol Capdevila : The objectifying documentary : realism, aesthetics and temporality

Saleta De Salvador Agra, Yolanda Martínez Suárez : Nomadism and Intermittent Ubiquity in ‘Off the Grid’ Shuar People

Pablo Castrillo, Pablo Echart : Towards a narrative definition of the American political thriller film

José Antonio Planes Pedreño, Pedro Luis Pérez Díaz : The visual poetry in the film criticism of Ángel Fernández Santos

Sonia López-Berna, Marta Martín-Llaguno, Natalia Papí-Gálvez : The regulation of professional advertising practices in Spain, 1988–2013

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