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32 - L’attentat, du tyrannicide au terrorisme

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Thomas Richard

Violent images and political imperatives. Representing jihadi attacks on screen in the Arab World

Le Temps des médias n° 32, Printemps 2019, p. 137-152.


Trying to face Isis’ propaganda, Arab film directors developed a very different way of representing jihadi terrorism from their Western counterparts. Heavily constrained by their production situations, these films (from Iraq, Tunisia, Egypt and Saudi Arabia), insist on a political apprehension of the phenomenon, rather than through the radicalization prism. Their aesthetics aims at ridiculing the jihadi propaganda, or do not shy from presenting violent images in order to denounce this propaganda.

To quote this article : https://www.histoiredesmedias.com/Violent-images-and-political.html

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