13 - Télévision, la quête de l’indépendance
Isabelle Veyrat-Masson
Keeping the Untouchables at Bay
Le Temps des médias n°13, Hiver 2009-2010, p. 12-28.From the 1980s on, television rises as the new flagship of the French resistance against the onslaught of American mass culture, a role held so far and since before even World War II by the film industry. Financial help from the state, market limitations, international agreements and political favors paint the dialectical picture of the relationship between the taste of the audience, economical requirements, the political discourse and the quality of the programs themselves. Results, as shown in this paper, can be surprising.
To quote this article : https://www.histoiredesmedias.com/Une-fronde-contre-Eliott-Ness,1438.html