09 - La fabrique des sports
Vincent Guigueno
Un spectacle médiatique pour la ville et le monde. La Coupe de l’America et New York (1893-1903)
Le Temps des médias n°9, automne 2007, p.79-90The history of the America Cup is studied here in the context of the visual and social history of New York City at the end of the XIXth century. I argue that the Cup is not only a maritime and elitist event, but also a spectacle organized for urban masses, including an impressive "floating audience". In Europe, betting enthusiasts assembled to the news in real time, or almost, as large bets depended on the outcome. I argue that the competition between the New York Yacht Club and Thomas Lipton helps explain the strategies involved in fashioning a media spectacle or New York and the wider world. Do the media strategies adopted at the time still influence current practice?
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