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03 - Public, cher inconnu !

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Pierre Sorlin

Un objet à construire : les publics de cinéma

Le Temps des médias n°3, automne 2004, p. 39-48.

The patterns of film attendance over time are well known — the cinema-going public grew regularly to a peak reached during the 1950s, then declined rapidly. This century-long process raises many questions: who went to the cinema ? Did they all come from the same social group or were they divided along lines that reflected existing social categories ? More important: how did the public react ? Did films and indeed the cinema influence behaviour or attitudes ? This paper provides a critical overview of the available sources and proposes a theoretical framework for the study of cinema audiences. DrapeauFrancais

To quote this article : https://www.histoiredesmedias.com/Un-objet-a-construire-les-publics,193.html