08 - Le Tour du monde. Médias et voyages
Philippe Violier
Tourisme et médias : regards d’un géographe
Le Temps des médias n°8, printemps 2007, p.159-170The media exert a fundamental role in tourism since this voluntary displacement leads the individuals to face the otherness of the World and that the media multiply information on the diversity of the World and take part of the means placed at the disposal to allow this mobility. In fact the relations between the media and tourism are multiple. If they support the opening in the World and gives keys for its use, they also convey values and standards which tend to restrict the freedom of tourists. But the scientific analysis on these exchanges is not very advanced. The guides printed even, the most touristic media, are studied little. Whereas Internet upsets the organization of tourism while allowing the individuals of autonomiser compared to the institutions of tourism, only the technical slope is apprehended by the studies. This article is thus limited to pose some stakes.
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