34 - Travailleurs, travailleuses !
Pierre Lefébure, Camille Noûs
The varying media coverage of workforce’s struggles against the offshoring of French industry within the European Union (1990-2000)
Le Temps des médias n° 34, Printemps 2020, p. 89-111.As any contentious action, the struggle of workers against the closure of their factory can be studied in terms of framing (news frames), i.e. how one possible interpretation of the facts rather than another is suggested through the narrative scheme and the vocabulary of news. Our study deals with two cases with fairly similar initial features (Renault-Vilvorde in 1997 and Continental-Clairoix in 2009) yet matching with substantially different news frames for which we try to explain the genesis. Beyond the politicization sustaining a high level of media coverage, the social identity of the contentious actors appears to be a crucial factor in order to explain the differences of news framing between the two case studies.
To quote this article : https://www.histoiredesmedias.com/The-varying-media-coverage-of.html