Home page > Le Temps des Médias > 34 - Travailleurs, travailleuses ! > The invisible woman. The media silence on the 1979 Calor strike led by Georgette Vacher

34 - Travailleurs, travailleuses !

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Claire Blandin, Camille Noûs

The invisible woman. The media silence on the 1979 Calor strike led by Georgette Vacher

Le Temps des médias n° 34, Printemps 2020, p. 60-72.


CGT activist Georgette Vacher committed suicide in October 1981. In several documents, she underlines the importance of her dismissal from the union in her choice. However, this removal occurred a few months after a long strike, led at Calor by Georgette Vacher. The mass media say very little about this conflict. This article questions this phenomenon and the violence of this invisibilization of a women’s strike.

To quote this article : https://www.histoiredesmedias.com/The-invisible-woman-The-media.html

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