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Olivier Londeix

The evolution of the advertising mediation of French food firms in the 20th century

Le Temps des médias n° 24, Printemps-Été 2015, p. 81-96.


Advertising mediation transforms according to successive forms of market : fragmented, unified, segmented market. Beyond the relationship with the consumer, it reflects the status of the link between manufacturers and retailers. Initially, the brand logic helped the manufacturer to control a market of consumer goods which were now packaged and advertised. The ramp up of Marketing (after World War I), the self-service and supermarkets (after the Second) gave rise to a real mass market. They also led to trivialization of products along with the saturation of needs. Thanks to new kinds of media, manufacturers tried to regain the value added, by segmenting the market into different categories of consumers. By integrating the consumer to the market, this brand logic ultimately contributed to the spread of commercial culture.

To quote this article : https://www.histoiredesmedias.com/The-evolution-of-the-advertising.html

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