18 - Histoire de l’Internet, l’Internet dans l’histoire
Alexandre COUTANT, Thomas STENGER
The Social Media : A (hi)story of participation
Le Temps des médias n°18, Printemps 2012, p. 76-86.>> Acheter cet article sur CAIRN
The popularity of « social media » has dramatically increased, but the actual expression itself remains quite problematic and worth considering. This paper questions the heuristic value of the notion, the historical coherence of the websites subsumed under the expression and the reality of the user ‘empowerment’proposed by the principle of “User Generated Content” (UGC). In doing so, it reveals the underlying commercial issues concealed by the rhetoric of participation. Ultimately, it brings to the fore a deeper understanding of the particularities of contemporary socio-technical online devices.
To quote this article : https://www.histoiredesmedias.com/The-Social-Media-A-hi-story-of.html