23 - Santé à la Une
Thierry Lefebvre
The Balland Affair : Reexamining the Controversy
Le Temps des médias n° 23, Hiver 2014, p. 114-127.Published in August 1988, the anonymous book 300 médicaments pour se surpasser physiquement et intellectuellement immediately became a bestseller. Yet its content aroused much criticism, both in the medical community and in the mainstream press who indulgently relayed its arguments. In November 1990, its publisher André Balland was sentenced to a fine of 300,000 French francs. The article proposes to reconsider the controversy in light of the content of the book and the context of the publication.
To quote this article : https://www.histoiredesmedias.com/The-Balland-Affair-Reexamining-the.html