23 - Santé à la Une
Cécile Méadel
"Sharing my own opinion". H1N1: Knowledge and electronic correspondance
Le Temps des médias n° 23, Hiver 2014, p. 128-140.While knowledge on health issues was once largely specialized and restricted to professional circles, the advent of the Internet in the early 1990s has promoted drastic changes in the circulation of information: a considerable wealth of information is now available to patients. This new openness challenges the divide between the learned and the profane, between validated knowledge and informed opinion. The failure (or relative failure) of the 2009 H1N1 flu vaccination campaign offers an opportunity to investigate the circulation of knowledge and the informational process of patient-citizens.
To quote this article : https://www.histoiredesmedias.com/Sharing-my-own-opinion-H1N1.html