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23 - Santé à la Une

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Céline Paganelli, Viviane Clavier

Seeking medical information through social media : where is the voice of expertise ?

Le Temps des médias n° 23, Hiver 2014.


Social media in healthcare have been rapidly and widely adopted by patients seeking information. While they allow users to obtain information or to share their experience, the social media represent a space dedicated to patients, outside of the medical sphere embodied by health professionals. Nevertheless, they get organised around authority figures either based on patients’ experiences or on the words used by health professionals. The analysis of a corpus made up of discussion threads, blog postings and conversations from a social network in health, shows that almost half of the posts make reference to health professionals and to their speech.

To quote this article : https://www.histoiredesmedias.com/Seeking-medical-information.html

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