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"Television Studies"


Volume 57, n°2, Eté 2016.


Introduction : situating television studies (by Karen Lury)
In defence of the objectivity of evaluative television criticism (by Ted Nannicelli)
‘Quality television’ as a critical obstacle : explanation and aesthetics in television studies (by Elliott Logan)
Broadcast drama and the problem of television aesthetics : home, nation, universe (by Helen Piper)
Growing up and growing old with television : peripheral viewers and the centrality of care (by Amy Holdsworth and Karen Lury) People fever : on the popular passions of Peter Watkins’s /La Commune (Paris, 1871) (by Manuel Ramos-Martínez)
Rethinking television indies : the impact of American Playhouse (by Chelsea McCracken)
Corruption and its (dis)content : the rise and fall of Chinese officialdom television dramas (by Ying Zhu)

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