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21 - Oyez jeunesse !

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Hélène Duccini

Schooling on the television

Le Temps des médias n°21, Hiver 2013/2014, p. 122-133.


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While the concept of television as an educational tool appeared as early as 1945, it was when TV sets became common household items in the 1960s that the idea expanded and took form – education then making up 20% of air time. Almost all school disciplines were covered, and lesson plans and worksheets, drafted by the instructor in charge of production, accompanied the programs. In 1966, a pilot school opened where middle schoolers had access to receivers and were given an “all audiovisual” education. However, as the French started buying their own TV sets and as the RTF offered coverage on location and cultural programmes, educational television seemed to lose its relevance and was phased out of the air over the 1980s.

To quote this article : https://www.histoiredesmedias.com/Schooling-on-the-television.html