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16 - Espionnage

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Guillaume Bourgeois

Sans patrie ni frontières de Jan Valtin : l’affaire de presse et le secret bien gardé des services spéciaux

Le Temps des médias n°16, Printemps 2011, p. 19-51.

Out of the Night by Jan Valtin: the press scandal and the well-hidden secret of intelligence servicesThe book of Jan Valtin, Richard Krebs’ pen name, must be one of the most powerful, puzzling and disturbing, of all the accounts of the lives of communist activists. Originally written in English by its German author, Out of the Night (Sans Patrie ni frontières in French) is an outstanding description of the interwar years in Germany. The book is an uncompromising indictment of Stalin who allowed Russo-German relations to deteriorate to achieve his own aims. It is a terrifying account of Hitler’s rise to power. Widely acclaimed when released, it was dismissed by Stalin’s propaganda which argued that Valtin was an impostor or, worse, a Gestapo agent. Thanks to new sources from British and American Security Services, Guillaume Bourgeois confirms the overall validity of the book and its account of its author’s life; his honour was sacrificed in the name to preserve relations between the allies, once the US came entered the war alongside the Soviet Union. DrapeauFrancais

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