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21 - Oyez jeunesse !

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Claire Blandin

On the radio, in the magazine: cross-media contents for the youth in the 1960s

Le Temps des médias n°21, Hiver 2013/2014, p. 134-142.


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Young baby-boomers were first to become the independent consumers of cultural programmes. For them, the media landscape was no longer limited to a range of publications, but included novel, cross-media products : three years after it was created, the radio show “Salut les copains” became a magazine. Photo stories, studio portraits, posters and song lyrics provide a new depth to the myth of trending idols. This initiated the multimedia promotion of the offer of youth culture, well developed in the following decades.

To quote this article : https://www.histoiredesmedias.com/On-the-radio-in-the-magazine-cross.html