08 - Le Tour du monde. Médias et voyages
Christraud M. Geary
Mondes virtuels : les représentations des peuples d’Afrique de l’ouest par les cartes postales, 1895-1935
Le Temps des médias n°8, printemps 2007, p.75-104This essay examines picture postcards, an important medium at the beginning of the 20th century, which represented peoples in colonial West Africa. The first part explores the construction of ethnicity and visualization of colonial rule over indigenous peoples through postcards of so-called “types” and of indigenous rulers. The second part focuses on other readings of these postcards, for they also reveal alternative African histories and forms of expression, and possess the potential to intentionally or unintentionally subvert the dominant discourses of the era.
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To quote this article : https://www.histoiredesmedias.com/Mondes-virtuels-les,410.html