11 - Espaces européens et transferts culturels
Lili Raytcheva
Le journaliste Geo Milev (1895-1925), un regard avant-gardiste bulgare
Le Temps des médias n°11, hiver 2008/2009, p. 82-97.In the turbulent social and political context of the years between the two World Wars, and in the midst of the cultural turmoil in Bulgaria and neighboring nations, the two periodicals founded by artist, journalist and involved witness of his times Geo Milev, evidenced the new exchanges and transfers between the Bulgarian and European – most notably German – vanguards, through their efforts in the fields of translation, reproduction and exhibition of artworks.
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To quote this article : https://www.histoiredesmedias.com/Le-journaliste-Geo-Milev-1895-1925,685.html