Home page > Le Temps des Médias > 12 - La cause des femmes > Le Quotidien (1923-1936), instrument de conquête électorale et relais d’influence

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François Dubasque

Le Quotidien (1923-1936), instrument de conquête électorale et relais d’influence

Le Temps des médias n°12, printemps-été 2009, p. 187-202.

Le Quotidien, a newspaper founded in 1923 by Henri Dumay, gathers a team of left-wing authors whose ambition is to promote an alternative program to the policies of the national Bloc and of Poincaré’s administration. The voice of the Cartel des gauches until 1926, the newspaper follows the complicated political career of its main sponsor, Jean Hennessy, a rich Cognac merchant and elected official of Charente. What we offer to examine in this article is less the contents of the newspaper, than the media venture and the political circle underpinning it. Through a study of its network of collaborators and of its financing, we see Le Quotidien as privileged grounds for the observation of the developments of the media during the inter-war period. Its history shows a double failure : on the one hand, of the resistance to the influence of capitalism on the press, and on the other hand, a failure under the pressure of the relation between the press and the political, a relationship based on the exploitation of the newspapers for the parliamentary and political interplay. DrapeauFrancais

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