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18 - Histoire de l’Internet, l’Internet dans l’histoire

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Languages on the Internet : From the Hegemony of English to the Advent of Translation

Le Temps des médias n°18, Printemps 2012, p. 111-123.


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Language historicization on the Internet can be analyzed into three stages – the first corresponds to the hegemony of English (on the Internet as well as on the process of globalization) ; the second corresponds to a spectacular and very rapid “rebabelization” of the Internet (about 280 languages on Wikipedia so far) ; the third one is the translation stage. The three stages can be found in most of the great translation movements in history, which ought to be analyzed in all the complexity of their historical, economical, cultural and political implications.

To quote this article : https://www.histoiredesmedias.com/Languages-on-the-Internet-From-the.html

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