12 - La cause des femmes
Marie-Christine Lipani Vaissade
La révolte des personnages féminins de la bande dessinée francophone. Cartographie d’une émancipation de fraîche date
Le Temps des médias n°12, printemps-été 2009, p. 152-162.Comics do not have the reputation of giving women their due. Female characters used to be not only scarce, but also stereotyped. Heroines have only liberated themselves with the turning point of the sixties and seventies, following in the footsteps of Jean-Claude Forest’s Barbarella. Then, even more committed characters appeared, such as Laureline in the Valerian et Laureline series (by Christin and Mezières). During the eighties, highly talented female writers created female characters who could at last question the role of women in society.
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