Home page > Le Temps des Médias > 12 - La cause des femmes > La "porte entrebaillée du journalisme", une brèche vers la Cité ? Femmes, presse et citoyenneté en France (1830-1870)

12 - La cause des femmes

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Alice Primi

La "porte entrebaillée du journalisme", une brèche vers la Cité ? Femmes, presse et citoyenneté en France (1830-1870)

Le Temps des médias n°12, printemps-été 2009, p. 28-40.

Between 1830 and 1870, a number of politically active women created their own newspapers or wrote articles to participate in the public debates of their time. Even though they were a small minority, their activity allows us to understand the role that the press could play for persons or groups which, like women, were excluded from political life and nevertheless seeked to be recognized as citizens. DrapeauFrancais

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