12 - La cause des femmes
Ouzi Elyada
La mère Duchêne et les poissardes. Naissance de la presse destinée aux femmes du peuple pendant la Révolution française
Le Temps des médias n°12, printemps-été 2009, p. 11-27.This article examines the first French periodical targeting a female, working class audience in revolutionary Paris, “La Lettre Bougrement patriotique de la Mère Duchesne,” Mother Duchesne’s Damn Patriotic Newsletter. This report, intended to be read out loud, was structured around the character of Mère Duchesne, introduced as the wife of famous Père Duchesne. During the first half of 1791, issues, in the form of letters written by Mother Duchesne, were addressed to either readers explicitly identified by the letters as female commoners, or to political groups and figures. The object of this paper is to study both the representation of working class women, and how this representation was used in the building of a female viewpoint and public opinion.
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