Home page > Le Temps des Médias > 08 - Le Tour du monde. Médias et voyages > La double vue. Sur le voyage en Égypte (1869) de Théophile Gautier

08 - Le Tour du monde. Médias et voyages

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Sarga Moussa

La double vue. Sur le voyage en Égypte (1869) de Théophile Gautier

Le Temps des médias n°8, printemps 2007, p.34-55

This article shows first the paradoxical dialectics (painting functions as authentification of the traveller’s sight, while the latter tends to estheticize [ ?] the oriental landscape) acting in the feuilletons that Gautier wrote en 1870 about his travel in Egypt. It then examines the commentary made by Gautier on the well-known picture La Place de l’Esbekieh(1833) by Marilhat: two visions of Cairo are opposed, the « realistic » one (a capital invaded by Western modernity) and the picturesque one (a city still close to nature). By doing so, Gautier questions the legitimacy of the French presence in Egypt, although he should, as a guest, contribute to celebrate the Suez Canal built by F. de Lesseps. DrapeauFrancais

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