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28 - C’est l’histoire d’un Arabe…

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Yvan Gastaut

La cèggal è la fôormi: When France laughs at the "Arabs" (1974-1977)

Le Temps des médias n° 28, Printemps 2017, p. 35-47.


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In the middle of the sixties appears shape of humor of which the media mainstream is going to show itself fond : laugh at accents of populations considered as foreigners. In the context of the economic crisis, France laughs at immigrant populations and in particular at « Arabs» about whom the caricatural representations grow. The most significant correspond in lightning success of the sketch of the humorist underestimated Pierre Péchin who a « popular» adaptation of « La cigale et la fourmi ». Racist laughter ? To laugh in the second degree ? The story of the success between 1975 and 1977 then its putting under silence afterward invites us to think about the meanings of the laughter and its media temporality.

To quote this article : https://www.histoiredesmedias.com/La-ceggal-e-la-foormi-When-France.html