16 - Espionnage
Yannick Dehée
La France, une grande puissance? Le tardif réveil de l’espion français au cinéma
Le Temps des médias n°16, Printemps 2011, p. 86-99.From the 1970’s up to now, French-style spy movies have been few and far between; they mostly show France as the battle ground of the CIA and the KGB, which were, little bothered by French counter-intelligence and its limited means (1970’s). The consequences of extreme left-wing terrorism first appeared in film plots in the 1980’s. The 1990-2000’s witnessed the revival of the genre, based on the new dangers following the Cold War; a timid display of the French services on the international scene appeared.
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To quote this article : https://www.histoiredesmedias.com/La-France-une-grande-puissance-Le.html