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16 - Espionnage

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Christophe Deschamps et Nicolas Moinet

L’émergence d’internet dans les outils d’Intelligence économique

Le Temps des médias n°16, Printemps 2011, p. 147-160.

At the time of a more and more networked society, the vague logic of economic intelligence can be described as nexus of four major disruptive tensions: methodological–globalization; technological – ICT; quantitative – abundance; and qualitative–, the economy of the intangible. Though it began a few years before the Internet, the latter has driven the development of economic intelligence to the extent that what can be called a can be considered in the wider perspective of a anthropological revolution is involved. Indeed, far from being a mere tool-box, the Internet has been the point of convergence of the four abovementioned forces, a meta-tool in the archaeological sense: a tool used to make yet more tools. DrapeauFrancais

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