16 - Espionnage
Olivier Forcade
L’Action française contre l’espionnage allemand: une rhétorique de la trahison devant l’opinion
Le Temps des médias n°16, Printemps 2011, p. 9-18.At the beginning of the 20th century, the Ligue d’Action française played a major role in the debate on state secrets. Ever since the Dreyfus case, it fought spying and spies via the press. The newspaper L’Action française fulminated against treason, whether proven or not. Since the Tirpitz plan and the explosion in 1907 of the Iéna, a French vessel, patriotic discourse aimed at preparing public opinion for a possible war against Germany. The media played an essential part in the campaign, especially in the nationalist papers and in the Ligue’s leaders’ publications. The case of the Maggi dairies (1913-1914) led to a violent media campaign; this foreshadowed those following the Great War- the Ligue’s pre-War warnings seemed to have been vindicated. After the war, denunciations of foreign spies were incessant: Soviet and communist spies replaced Germans as scapegoats in extreme right-wing. Leaks of confidential information in nationalist media confirmed the close relations between the Ligue and French special services personnel belonging to the 2nd Bureau of the Army General Staff.
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