28 - C’est l’histoire d’un Arabe…
Sophie Gebeil
Humorous online videos and Images of Arabs
Le Temps des médias n° 28, Printemps 2017, p. 123-143.>> Acheter cet article sur CAIRN
Since the 2000s, the democratisation of the internet has opened a new space for satirical expressions of Arab identity. The websites Dailymotion and Youtube are vantage points for studying the construction of the image of the “Arab” on the French web from 2006 to 2013. From film clips of banlieue cinema to North African podcasters, the article focuses on how these satirical videos can be study by historiography, founded on the web archives managed by the BnF and the INA.
To quote this article : https://www.histoiredesmedias.com/Humorous-online-videos-and-Images.html