12 - La cause des femmes
Sandrine Lévêque
Femmes, féministes et journlistes : les rédactrices de La Fronde à l’épreuve de la professionnalisation journalistique
Le Temps des médias n°12, printemps-été 2009, p. 41-53.A feminist daily newspaper written by women, La Fronde is created in 1897. This article contributes to the analysis of the continuing professionalization of journalism, starting at the end of the 19th century through the beginning of the 20th century. Based on a study of the various curriculums of the authors of La Fronde, this paper highlights the links between the two types of struggle these writers go through, as feminists and as professionals.
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To quote this article : https://www.histoiredesmedias.com/Femmes-feministes-et-journlistes,624.html