09 - La fabrique des sports
Hugh Dauncey
Entre presse et spectacle sportif, l’itinéraire pionnier de Pierre Giffard (1853-1922)
Le Temps des médias n°9, automne 2007, p.35-46The America’s Cup and New York City (1893-1903): the orchestration of a media event for the city and the world.
The history of the America Cup is studied here in the context of the visual and social history of New York City at the end of the XIXth century. I argue that the Cup is not only a maritime and elitist event, but also a spectacle organized for urban masses, including an impressive "floating audience". In Europe, betting enthusiasts assembled to the news in real time, or almost, as large bets depended on the outcome. I argue that the competition between the New York Yacht Club and Thomas Lipton helps explain the strategies involved in fashioning a media spectacle or New York and the wider world. Do the media strategies adopted at the time still influence current practice?
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