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ECREA European Media and Communication Doctoral Summer School, 14 août 11 au 27 août 2011, Ljubljana, Slovenia.

The ECREA European Media and Communication Doctoral Summer School 2011 brings together members of the European research community to this summer school in order to debate contemporary issues in media, communication and cultural studies.
The main emphasis of this summer school is on providing structural and individuated PhD-support for young European scholars, through a variety of working forms, including feedback seminars, workshops, and lectures.
The summer school aims to provide a supportive international setting where doctoral students can present their ongoing work, receive feedback on their PhD-projects from international experts and meet students and academics from other countries, establishing valuable contacts for the future.

The summer school is open to the full variety of academic work in the broad field of communication and media studies. The overall theme for the programme - New democratic cultures in a globalised European mediasphere provides just one of the many topical focal points of the summer school. The theme will not be used as a criterion for participant selection. All PhD projects within the field of communication and media studies are welcomed.

There are two options to attend the Summer School :

1. For students whose universities are a member of the organizing consortium (see the list below) the Summer School will provide :
Summer School materials (including 2 books),
accommodation, breakfast, coffee and lunches, travel refund*
Payment of a membership contribution of 450 Euros for a series of supplementary activities (research seminars, round table and social events) organised by the Slovene Communication Association is required.

* The full refund is valid for the (cheapest possible) travel costs to the summer school location (Ljubljana) taking into account the maximum eligible costs set by Erasmus IP (see the table of maximum costs on the summer school website). In order to get the refund after the end of the summer school, the students will have to send in their original boarding passes and tickets, travel agent invoices and receipts to the summer school coordinator no later than September 5 2011 (date of stamp). Otherwise no refund will be provided

2. For students whose universities are not a member of the organizing consortium but are either individual or institutional members of ECREA, the Summer School will provide :
Summer School materials (including 2 books),
accommodation, breakfast, coffee and lunches.
Payment of a membership contribution of 550 Euros for a series of supplementary activities (research seminars, round table and social events) organised by the Slovene Communication Association is required.

The summer school gives full recognition to the activities of participating students who are awarded 10 ECTS credits for their participation in the full programme (including the supplementary activities). Six of the best student presentations and all abstracts of student projects will be published in the Summer School Book. The total number of students will be limited to 45, up to 35 from consortium members and 10 students through ECREA.

There will be 2 grants provided to students who are unable to otherwise raise registration and travel fee. There is a separate application and selection procedure in order to apply for these grants. The application will be available through the summer school website after March 1, 2011.

The deadline for applications for the summer school is April 15, 2011. A wide range of student papers is sought for, and it is not necessary to fit into the yearly theme of the doctoral summer school.

internet address : http://www.comsummerschool.org

Citer cet article : https://www.histoiredesmedias.com/ECREA-European-Media-and.html

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