09 - La fabrique des sports
Henrique Rodas et Patrick Trabal
De la place des médias dans l’analyse des affaires sportives
Le Temps des médias n°9, automne 2007, p.91-106This paper examines the role of the press in two sports scandals : the wide scale of doping during the “Tour de France 98”, and the illegal employment of African soccer players, aged under-18, by French football clubs. Based on the textual corpora analyzed using the Prospero Software program, we studied how the news media covered these issues, and compared them with the means used by the other actors involved. This led us to study the relationships between the journalists and the latter,and the consequences this had on judgments journalists made about Doping and the existence of a kind of ‘slave trade’ in young soccer players. Our paper highlights the interest of asking journalists how they proceed in conducting their investigation (Dewey, 1993).
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