09 - La fabrique des sports
Paul Dietschy
De l’« arditisme sportif » à la fabrique du consensus : les ambivalences de la presse sportive italienne sous le fascisme
Le Temps des médias n°9, automne 2007, p.63-78The Italian press was "sports-obsessed" during the fascist regime. Both the specialist sports press and general interest print media used sport a to help fashion a consensus and spread the values of the Mussolini regime. A paradox emerged: the sports press nurtured the development of spectator sports and the nascent sports industry by harking on rivalries between Italy’s difference regions, but the sports press, however great the "elective affinities" between journalists and fascism, often moved away from the canons and tenets of the blackshirt concept of sports.
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To quote this article : https://www.histoiredesmedias.com/De-l-arditisme-sportif-a-la,434.html