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Communication & Society

Vol. XXVII, n. 3, June 2014

Clara MUELA MOLINA and Salvador PERELLÓ OLIVER, Advertising self-regulation. A comparative analysis between the United Kingdom and Spain

Javier ODRIOZOLA CHÉNÉ and Germán LLORCA ABAD, The Homogeneity Process in the Online Media Agenda. A Comparative Analysis of Spanish and Foreign Online Media

Francesca MARTÍNEZ GALLEGO and Antonio LAGUNA PLATERO, Communication, Propaganda and Censorship in the Spanish-Moroccan War (1906-1923)

Bernardo GÓMEZ CALDERÓN, Sergio ROSES and Agustín RIVERA, The Fukushima nuclear power plant accident. An analysis of the most relevant frames in the Spanish press

Hibai LOPEZ-GONZALEZ, Frederic GUERRERO-SOLÉ and Olatz LARREA, Community building in the digital age : Dynamics of online sports discussion

Emeterio DIEZ PUERTAS, Evita in Spain : Masks of a First Lady

Carmen COSTA SÁNCHEZ, La Narrativa Transmedia como aliada de la Comunicación Corporativa : Estudio del caso #Dropped by Heineken

María T. SOTO-SANFIEL, Laura AYMERICH-FRANCH and Estrella ROMERO, Personality in interaction : how the Big Five relate to the reception of interactive narratives

Idoia CAMACHO MARKINA, Alazne AIESTARAN YARZA and Lázaro ECHEGARAY EIZAGUIRRE, Health education in the press. Analysis of Basque and Navarrese newspapers

María NOGUERA, Overcoming Foundational Myths in João Botelho”s and Manoel de Oliveira”s cinema

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