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"Special issue : political communication"

Communication & Society

Vol. 30 (3) June 2017.

Table of content

Special issue : political communication

José RUAS, Arantxa CAPDEVILLA : Political communication today : challenges and threats

Raquel QUEVEDO REDONDO : Personalization, emotion and closeness. A strategy to catch women´s vote during an electoral year

Carlos RODRÍGUEZ PÉREZ : News framing and media legitimacy : an exploratory study of the media coverage of the refugee crisis in the European Union

Miljana MICOVIC, María GALLEGO-REGUERA : Analysis and comparison of the general election debates in Spain (2015 & 2016) and Serbia (2016) : new television formats for new political scenarios

Paloma PIQUEIRAS CONLLEDO : Do young citizens’ expectations shape engagement activation with the public sector ? Proposing a model to link expectations, engagement and tangible growth

Carmen María ROBLES LÓPEZ, Maria José CANEL CRESPO : Exploring the dynamics of stakeholders’ reputation and legitimacy judgments about the public sector in uncertain times : the case of the Spanish ministry of Education (2011-2015)

Rocío ZAMORA MEDINA, Paloma del Henar SÁNCHEZ COBARRO, Helena MARTÍNEZ MARTÍNEZ : The importance of the "strategic game" to frame the political discourse in Twitter during 2015 Spanish Regional Elections

Carlos MUÑIZ, Nilsa Marlen TÉLLEZ y Alma Rosa SALDIERNA : Political sophistication as a mediator in the relation between media consumption and citizen participation. Evidence from the O-S-R-O-R model

Pablo VÁZQUEZ SANDE : Personalisation of politics, storytelling and conveyed values

Miscellanea issue

Santiago FILLOL : The Culprit of the Image. Genealogy of the act of putting forth a culprit to witness the horror in cinema

Aarón RODRÍGUEZ SERRANO : Narrar el tiempo hacia la muerte : Análisis fílmico de Gritos y Susurros (Viskningar och rop, Ingmar Bergman, 1972)

Carlos LOSILLA ALCALDE : The woman on the edge of the story. Some Examples of Female Presence in the Spanish Cinema of the 1940s

Lourdes MONTERRUBIO : Agatha and the limitless readings by Marguerite Duras. The literary text and its filmic (irre)presentation

Simón PEÑA-FERNÁNDEZ ; Iñaki LAZKANO-ARRILLAGA : Alexander Black’s Miss Jerry (1894). A journalist in the prehistory of cinema

Claudia MELLADO ; María Luisa HUMANES : Homogeneity and plurality of the media agenda in Chile. A crosslongitudinal study of the national print press between 1990 and 2015

José FLECHA ; Maribel ORTIZ ; Virgin DONES : The Media Content effect on Brain Drain : The Case of Puerto Rico

Ángeles MORENO, Ralph TENCH, Ayla OKAY : Re-fuelling the talent tank. Key deficiencies, future needs, and life-long learning needs of communication management professionals in Europe

María del Carmen GARCÍA GALERA ; Cristóbal FERNÁNDEZ MUÑOZ ; Leticia PORTO PEDROSA : Youth empowerment through social networks. Construction of an engaged digital citizenship

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