Home page > Le Temps des Médias > 16 - Espionnage > Comment la troisième équipe de la DGSE a-t-elle pu faire couler... autant d’encre? Le dénouement de l’affaire du Rainbow Warrior entre « fuites » et journalisme « d’investigation »

16 - Espionnage

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Floran Vadillo

Comment la troisième équipe de la DGSE a-t-elle pu faire couler... autant d’encre? Le dénouement de l’affaire du Rainbow Warrior entre « fuites » et journalisme « d’investigation »

Le Temps des médias n°16, Printemps 2011, p. 100-117.

The Rainbow Warrior affair was more than a political scandal linked to an operation led by an Intelligence service. Above all, it was a media scoop merged in the summer of 1985. In France, it both spurred investigative journalism as endowed it with a legitimacy that still survives. However, the conditions in which the truth (the very fountainhead of investigation) shone out should be re-considered; this reassessment calls the journalistic practices involved into question. As for Intelligence (among other fields) scoops, do not really exist as such; they result from what are in effect inventions, the staging of a reality which that was much more mundane, and indeed the very opposite of “golden legends”. DrapeauFrancais

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