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Colloque "Celebrity News, an Oxymoron ?", Université de Genève, 15-17 septembre 2010.

Celebrities now feature not only in tabloids and special interest magazines, but also in the "news" section of general information media. How did they get here ? Is their presence relevant ? How can we account for the extraordinary success of celebrity "news" ?


15.09.10, room MR060
18h30-20h Opening Lecture : Persona Studies : mapping the proliferation of the public self, P. David Marshall, Deakin University (AUS)

16.09.10, room MR160
8h30-9h Reception / Registration / Coffee
9h-9h45 Welcome / Celebrity News Annik Dubied, University of Geneva (CH)
Panel 1 : Theories in Celebrity News
9h45-10h Introduction to the panel P. David Marshall, Deakin University (AUS)
10h-10h30 The representation of celebrities in Flemish newspapers : a content analysis (1998-2007), Olivier Driessens, Ghent University (B) 10h30-11h "This is not how cancer looks" : Public understandings of celebrity and risk in the news, Daniel Ashton and Rebecca Feasey, Bath Spa University (UK)
11h-11h30 Celebrity gossip as "talk of the town". The celebrity as object – and subject – of social network community discourse, Ursula Ganz-Blättler, University of Fribourg (CH)
11h30-12h Mixing up with Stars that Matter ? Elites and ’Celebrities’ in Comparative Perspective, Jean-Pascal Daloz, CNRS (F) and Oxford University (UK)
12h-14h Lunch
Panel 2 : Comparative Studies in Celebrity News
14h-15h The Moral Order of Celebrity Sightings Kerry Ferris, Northern Illinois University (USA)
15h-15h30 Love in Hollywood : a Framing Analysis of Celebrity News and Audience Reactions, Nathalie Claessens and Hilde Van den Bulck, University of Antwerp (B)
15h30-16h Presentation Forms of Scandals in Celebrity News Shows : an International Comparison between USA, Russia and Switzerland, Sarah Brander, Roy Bula, Elena Gustova, Nick Lüthi, Katharina Hemmer, University of Zurich (CH) and Thomas Hanitzsch, University of Munich (D)
16h-16h30 Coffee break
16h30-17h Celebrity News and Stars Figures. A thematic content analysis of the European French-speaking press, Valérie Gorin, Annik Dubied, Magali Dubey and Zelda Crottaz, University of Geneva (CH) 17h-17h30 Who’s news ? A comparative content analysis of celebrities in TV news magazines, Nicole Brunold, Christina Fixle, Angelika Hergesell, Piotr Kren, Katharina Hemmer, University of Zurich (CH) and Thomas Hanitzsch, University of Munich (D) 18h Aperitif

17.09.10, room MR160
Panel 3 : News Production in Celebrity News
8h30-9h30 Celebrity Journalism : Paradox and Social Complexity, Martin Conboy, University of Sheffield (UK)
9h30-10h Paparazzi and journalism : Critical perspectives, Kim McNamarra, University of Western Sydney (AUS)
10h-10h30 Coffee break
10h30-11h "I’ve hurt so many people, and so many people I have to make an amends to" : Celebrity and accountability – Discursive analysis of Tiger Wood’s media news interviews, Rahul Sambaraju, Chris Mc Vittie, Queen Margaret University (UK), and Andy McKinlay, The University of Edimburgh (UK)
11h-11h30 The Pope and the Vatican in the contemporary media landscape, Donald McNeill, University of Western Sydney (AUS)
11h30-12h Development Issues and World Relations through a Pair of Prada Sunglasses : Framing Analysis of Celebrity Philanthropy Documentaries, Hilde Van den Bulck, Nathalie, Claessens and Koen Panis, University of Antwerp (B)
12h-13h30 Lunch
Panel 4 : Figures and Charisma in Celebrity News
13h30-14h30 Is Celebrity Politics a Threat to Democracy ? Jamil Dakhlia, University of Nancy 2 and CREM - CNRS (F)
14h30-15h And the top-models became celebrities : women and public experience in the 1990’s, Ligia Campos C. Lana, University of Minas Gerais (BR) and EHESS (F)
15h-15h30 "Immortal" news in celebrity newspapers : What if, above and below the celebrity news, there is never the event ?, Eva-Marie Goepfert, Université Lumière Lyon II (F)
15h30-16h Coffee-break
16h-16h30 Female celebrities in Portuguese women’s and men’s lifestyle magazines, Ana Jorge, New University of Lisbon (P)
16h30-17h Sports Celebrities in the Media : News Coverage of Roger Federer in Swiss Daily Newspapers, Daniel Beck, University of Fribourg (CH)
17h-17h30 Categorization Of Celebrity Typologies, Peri Di Secli and Katharina Hemmer, University of Zurich (CH)
17h30-18h Closing remarks

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