SPHM Infos
Call for Submissions, Special section of WIF Studies
According to Laure Adler dans Les Femmes qui lisent vivent dangereusement, "Les livres ne sont pas des objets comme les autres pour les femmes ; depuis l’aube du christianisme jusqu’à aujourd’hui, entre nous et eux, circule un courant chaud, une affinité secrète, une relation étrange et singulière tissée d’interdits, d’appropriations, de réincorporations." I invite you to submit essays on the topic of "Les femmes et la lecture" for a special section of WIF Studies. This topic has generated quite a bit of interest at the PAMLA conference in November 2009 with presentations on Sevigne, Desbordes Valmore, Lafarge and Nothomb. The idea is to expand on this nucleus and include articles ranging from the Middle Ages to the 21st century. A plethora of themes to consider, among them : the coming of age of women as readers, the impact of reading on women, women as educators, allusions and intertexts in the novel, characters who read, iconography, etc.
If you are interested in participating, send me an email with a title and a 50 word abstract. I will let you know right away if your proposal seems to fit the project.
And/or submit one paper copy of your essay (plus an e-mail attachment) with your name, academic affiliation, address, phone numbers, and e-mail by September 1st, 2010 to :
Catherine R. Montfort, Chair
Professor of French
Dept. of Modern Languages and Literatures
500 El Camino Real
Santa Clara University
Santa Clara, CA 95053