SPHM Infos
Appel à contribution, revue InMedia"Media and Diversity"
Date limite : 15 septembre 2013
The Media and Minorities research field really developed in the American scientific community and in the public space in the wake of the 1960s urban riots, before crossing borders to reach Canada and Great Britain. Since the 1990s, this issue has become an international one, fuelled by debates at UNESCO that led to the Treaty on the Protection and Promotion of the diversity of cultural expressions (2007). It is now investigated in many countries like Germany, Belgium, Finland, the Netherlands, Israel, Australia and France (Rigoni and Saitta, 2012 ; Horsti, 2010 ; Frachon and Sassoon, 2009 ; Fleras and Kuntz, 2001). Because de facto segregation and stereotypes prevail, many researchers have argued that the way the mass media cover or undercover minorities strongly impact readers and listeners. By failing to reflect the diversified composition of societies and by fueling misrepresentations of minorities, mass media feed the social distance that separates different groups (Kerner Report, 1968 ; Daniel and Allen, 1998 ; Entman and Rojecki, 2000).
Against this background, proposals are invited on - but are not limited to - the following set of themes and questions :
Debate, Research and Policy : Should the media voluntarily participate in improving interracial and intercultural relationships ? Do they have a responsibility in the search for social cohesion ? Has the Media and Diversity debate been triggered or, on the contrary, hindered by particular social or historical events (in the nation-states context) ? What investigations have been made ? What policies have been implemented ?
Information production : What is the impact of interracial and intercultural relationships on the production of information ?
Reception and effect : Does the non-inclusiveness of diversity in the content of news or entertainment impact interracial and intercultural relationships ? Can this impact be assessed and measured ?
Diversification effect : Does the diversification of media personnel, be it in newsrooms (for news media) or among creators and producers (for entertainment media), have a noticeable impact on media content ? Is it sufficient ? Does minority staffing increase community audiences and/or improve minority readers’ trust ?
Identity and Migration : Do minorities still use mass media to facilitate their integration in a new country ? How are digitized media used by minorities to preserve their cultural and linguistic identity both in nation-states and in the context of globalization ?
Since the aim of InMedia is to study the media and media representations in the English-speaking world, submitted articles should focus primarily on the English media or on the adaptation of the Anglo-american model of diversity in the media field in other countries.
Submissions (500 words including title and bibliography) should be sent in English to the two guest editors of the themed section, Christine Larrazet (christine.larrazet@u-bordeaux2.fr) and Isabelle Rigoni (isabelle.rigoni@club-internet.fr).
Deadline for proposals : Septembre 15, 2013
Notification of decision : September 25, 2013
Deadline for articles : November 15, 2013
Publication : Spring 2014
Articles should be previously unpublished, not under submission elsewhere, and written in English (5,000-7,500 words). They should be sent to the guest editors along with a separate document with their author’s names and contact details. All submissions must include an abstract in English, a mini-biography as well as a list of 5 keywords.