SPHM Infos
AAC Colloque "Publishing in a changing media environment"
Date limite : 15 décembre 2017
The European Publishing Studies Association (EuroPub), founded in 2016, aims to foster the exchange of knowledge around the contemporary book trade. This three-day conference brings together industry professionals, educators, and scholars to examine key issues around the digital transformation of the book, as well as to discuss the developing field of publishing studies. Presentations will take different forms to accommodate the range of academic, professional, educational, and independent voices that make By the Book, now in its fifth year, such a unique conference. In previous years we have discussed topics ranging from the evolution of cultural habits (‘Building audiences’, 2016) to the development of publishing skills (‘Curation. A perspective on the book industry’, 2017).
By the Book 5 will focus on innovation in order to identify the nature and drivers of change within the industry. Whether these are based on technological, economic or sociological phenomena, they invite us to think of a new way of writing, designing, producing and marketing books. From such a perspective, we will concentrate on emerging trends in publishing that challenge established conventions of editorial policies and professional practice. Here are examples of themes that could be of interest :
At a time when branding and licensing are common, does the idea of serial publication offer a helpful structure ? In many European countries, there is a revival of interest in periodical magazines marketed by traditional publishing houses. How can we think differently about the promotion and dissemination of knowledge and content ? This leads to an examination of how content is viewed and discovered on the internet and through social media ; how should we analyse communities and networks of readers, and the growing influence of bloggers and BookTubers ? How are authors promoting their own works ? What is the changing role of other organizations within and connected to the book industry ? These could include bookshops or public libraries that adopt new designs and offer ‘third place’ cultural and other services. Can we see the development of new economic models and a new cooperation between book and media professionals in incubators or cooperatives, which often boost innovation ? The following is a (by no means exhaustive) list of possible topics for papers :
Business models, incubators and start-ups Consumer behaviour Alternative reader platforms New forms of the book Links to other creative industries New media/technology opportunities and innovation Organizational behaviour and collaboration Changing skills sets New approaches to copyright and IP The conference will also host two other thematic approaches.
Publishing education
We welcome proposals that describe best practice in teaching, innovative student projects and other related topics. Delegates have the opportunity to exchange ideas around publishing education as well as links with industry, and future developments.
Book statistics
Examples incude reading practices, book sales, library usage and loans, the revenues of publishers and booksellers, and state aid to the ecosystem of the book. These statistics are important for policy and debate around the book in Europe : how we construct them, interpret them, their significance for our research, and how we could move towards some kind of standardization across national boundaries. On all those points, we hope the conference will be an opportunity for sharing and discussion that will serve the European project of the EuroPub Association.
The conference welcomes papers from international researchers including PhD students. The committee invites proposals of the following types : Research papers (including pedagogical research). 20 minute long presentations of research outcomes Poster presentations. A3 posters which visualize research outcomes or projects, accompanied by a 5 minute introduction of the poster. Group proposals for roundtable discussions of key issues. 1 hour long discussions including questions Best practice in teaching Publishing Studies. 15 minute long presentations of case studies (e.g. live projects, group work, special assignments) Submission guidelines Proposals should be of around 250 words together with a short (100 word) biography of the participant/s. Subject to peer review, a selection of the best papers will be published in a special issue of the premier publishing journal Logos.
Papers for submission to the conference should be sent to : Miha Kovač miha.kovac@mkz.si
by Friday 15th December 2017.
Programmes of past conferences in the series will give an idea of how presenters have interpreted themes and engaged in dialogues within panels.