04 - Dire et montrer la guerre, autrement
Delphine Robic-Diaz
The art of witnessing de Pierre Schoendoerffer
Le Temps des médias n°4, printemps 2005, p.178-187Pierre Schoendoerffer began his carrier as a film-maker during the war in Indochina in the Army’s Cinematographic Service (Service Cinématographique des Armées). Back in civil life, he became the most important director of French war cinema, specialised in the representation of this war. Survivor and witness of a conflict by now largely forgotten, his films projected the memory of the war, trying to keep alive its memory and fight against the loss of reality of his own memories.
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To quote this article : http://www.histoiredesmedias.com/The-art-of-witnessing-de-Pierre.html