25 - De la nature à l’écologie
Agnès Tachin
The World Economic Forum and the media – a special relationship between cooperation and integration
Le Temps des médias n° 25, Automne 2015, p. 229-243.>> Acheter cet article sur CAIRN
Every year in January, the World Economic Forum, the world’s most mediatized event takes place in the winter sports resort Davos in the German-speaking Switzerland. Gathering the world’s rich and powerful, the event managed to maximize its impact with an efficient communications policy carried out by the Forum. This paper aims at shedding light on the relationships between the Forum and journalists. It shows how the private organization gradually opened up to the media, adapting itself to globalization and new technologies. However, at a very early stage, in order to preserve the private nature of the event, the organizers have set the principles and rules that the media are to abide by. The participating journalists undergo a strict supervision. But the constraints imposed on them are offset by the many advantages that make the event still as attractive for the media.