Présentation de la SPHM
The Society for the History of Media (association loi 1901) was founded at the general assembly meeting on Saturday 14 October 2000 (IFP Institute, Paris). The initiative belongs to the modernist and contemporary historians concerned to develop scientific thinking and promote historical research on the media, mediation and mediators. The SPHM understands « history of media » in a broad sense which does not exclude any of its aspects, neither economic or social, nor political or cultural: history of media and information technologies and communication, history of the movement and the exchange of information, history of cultural industries, historical sociology of media, etc. From a multidisciplinary perspective, it is open to all researchers, teachers, and professionals of media, French or foreigners, who, through their activities, want to work at the development of studies on the history of media. The S.P.H.M. objectives are:
- To contribute to the development of research in the field of modern and contemporary history of media, particularly by updating the reflection and taking the initiative of scientific meetings;
- To promote awareness of French or foreign sources in the field of history of media, particularly by ensuring close collaboration between researchers, public or private archive institutes, and professionals;
- To create a place of encounter and exchange between all those researchers and professionals, who help to define and build the history of media
- To collect and spread information on the study of history of media(academic, scientific publications, conferences and other initiatives) to researchers, teachers, students, professionals, in France and abroad.
Scientific committee : Pierre Albert, Jean-Paul Bertaud, Christophe Charle, Thomas Ferenczi, Laurent Gervereau, Jean-Noël Jeanneney, Bernard Lauzanne, Marc Martin, Jean-Yves Mollier, Pierre Nora, Christine Pétillat, Jeremy D. Popkin, Daniel Roche, Jean-Pierre Rioux, Jean-Michel Rodes, Jean Sgard, Pierre Sorlin.