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KACKMAN Michael, KEARNEY Mary Celeste (dir.)

The Craft of Criticism. Critical Media Studies in Practice

Routledge, 2018, 356 p., £33.

With contributions from 30 leading media scholars, this collection provides a comprehensive overview of the main methodologies of critical media studies. Chapters address various methods of textual analysis, as well as reception studies, policy, production studies, and contextual, multi-method approaches, like intertextuality and cultural geography. Film and television are at the heart of the collection, which also addresses emergent technologies and new research tools in such areas as software studies, gaming, and digital humanities. Each chapter includes an intellectual history of a particular method or approach, a discussion of why and how it was used to study a particular medium or media, relevant examples of influential work in the area, and an in-depth review of a case study drawn from the author’s own research. Together, the chapters in this collection give media critics a complete toolbox of essential critical media studies methodologies.

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